
Hello, I’m Tanya,

Do you have a story in your head that defines you?  Do you tell yourself negative things that prevent you from achieving the life you deserve, yes, I said deserve.  Do you know you can change your life in an instant simply be making a decision?

I didn’t realize it either, until I did:

I’m Tanya Newbould-Del Pozzo and I want you to know that my life has been anything but perfect, and yet, it is perfect.  Now that may not make sense, so allow me to explain. 

I was put up for adoption in an Orphanage in England and adopted at six and a half weeks old.  As an only child we moved to the USA when I was two and a half and I had a relatively normal upbringing until the age of 11 when I realized my father had a very severe drinking problem.  If you’ve ever been around addiction, you know how overwhelming it is and affects everyone in the family.  I too got into drugs and alcohol to escape my home life and moved out at 18 into a trailer park in Michigan.  I loved my parents, but also blamed them for who I had become.  I had a story of my adoption, the alcoholism, abuse from my mom that got me a lot of sympathy.  Cut to living in Los Angeles, struggling actor, fresh out of an eight-year, semi-abusive relationship which got me even more sympathy.  I was the lovely victim of circumstance and it worked like a charm, until it didn’t.

At 30, I couldn’t understand why I saw people’s lives magically work out and mine would always get close to working out but would fall apart on the precipice of any major win.  WHY? 

I didn’t realize I wasn’t rooted in present truth, I was living in the past, in my story.  I had accepted Christ into my life but was unhappy much of the time.  I began a search of knowledge to change and have been on that quest for 25 years.  I’ve studied different theologies, psychology’s, spirituality with modalities and over time by applying the tools I cultivated, I learned to decide.  I learned to decide that I can have a life filled with love, joy, laughter and most importantly integrity, but, I had to leave my old story behind and replace it with the truth.  My life is perfect just the way it is, the good, the bad and the ugly are all gifts.  

Are you ready to change?  Are you ready to break the bonds of your story?  Are you willing to do what it takes to have the life you already know you deserve?  I’m here to guide and help you achieve these goals because you are worth it and deserve it!  I’m here to help you learn what you don’t know you don’t know and to remember who you already know deep inside you deserve to be.