“Choose not to be a victim, choose to make a powerful decision.” - Tanya Newbould

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1:1 Coaching

My coaching style is unique as I believe questions are the answers. We all have a roadmap, whether ingrained or chosen that leads us down a path. Sometimes the path isn't the right one and you don't know why? Intuitively, we will break down your story and remove what is not serving your higher self and purpose. Whether it be personal, professional, financial or health-wise, I will teach you techniques that can be realistically and consistently applied to your life. You deserve to have a life of love and fulfillment. It's your God given right!



We are all energy and connected. The way we learn and grow, connect and present ourselves makes all the difference in our world. Whether I'm speaking on Postpartum Depression and overcoming it, or "Who You Are When You Walk Through the Door" for corporations, sales, teams or personally, I want you to know, you are not alone, you can change, you deserve to have success both personally and professionally. My biggest mistakes in life have been my greatest lessons and growth. All of it is a blessing and no matter how your life appears today, there is one guarantee, "This too shall pass". What that means is you can consistently change and create a better life that fulfills you!


“I had the good fortune of working with Tanya Del Pozzo for over ten years.  I have had the opportunity to see her directly interact with key clients in her role as an Account Executive for Sweis, Inc. and I have seen her in countless presentations with both customers and peers.  I can attest to her poise and confidence whether she is presenting to one decision maker or 75 or more sales representatives and sales managers.  She has a unique ability to capture the attention of her audience and keep them fully engaged while she delivers her presentation.  When the tricky question and answers or objections come up, Tanya never flinches.  She keeps her smile, looks the audience in the eye and addresses the issue at hand.  She diffuses problems and makes it look easy.

Last year, we asked Tanya to return to Sweis and deliver a presentation to our entire salesforce.  We wanted her to share her insight into effective communication techniques with clients, especially those with whom we have no real relationship.  Tanya spoke for almost an hour and kept the sales team focused and involved the entire time.  She shared personal experiences, mistakes she has made and lessons she has learned.  She gave the team ideas on how to improve their client relationships through effective communication techniques.  She wanted every attendee to feel confident that they could achieve the same level of success that she experienced if they utilized even just a few of her ideas.  After her presentation, I had a large number of Account Executives come up to me to tell me that this was one of the best presentations they had ever seen.  Many asked that we have Tanya return to present again since she connected so well with the team.  

I highly recommend Tanya as a partner for any organization looking to improve client relationships and sales executive communication skills.  She will deliver a high energy, impactful and fun experience that your sales and support teams will appreciate and enjoy. “

— Glen Pacek, Executive Vice President of Sweis, Inc.  

“Tanya Del Pozzo is a thought leader, an inspirational speaker, and a community builder in the Post Partum Depression space. She reaches women through sharing her incredible journey with PPD and by revealing the true struggle and depth of that time in her life. Women across the country flock to Tanya for understanding, learning, and compassion. Tanyas gift for speaking is how she draws people in, everyone wants to talk to her after she speaks and share their feelings and thank her. She truly has a gift that is meant to be shared!

I have featured Tanya as a writer, a speaker, and a guest on my podcast. Tanya is always real, raw, and to the point. She understands timing and flow and is a fabulous person to work with.”

- Liz Svatek, The Warrior Moms

“I met Tanya Newbould back in 2010, I was interviewing her for a documentary “Actor’s Life” Tanya told me about her young daughter and how she suffered severely from postpartum depression. She felt she went thought this experience to for a reason which was to share her story with the world and help others. She came up with the idea to do a documentary about postpartum depression in order to help women on a much bigger platform. We set out on a five year journey to make the film “When the Bough Breaks” the film is about postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. Tanya bravely shares her story in this film which has helped saved thousands of lives. The film which is narrated and Executive Produced by Brooke Shields in now in over 70 countries and in 4 languages. Through the press tour of our film I was privileged to witness Tanya speak and share her story in person with hundreds of women who's lives will forever be changed. Tanya is on of the most positive and inspiring women I know, she has a way with words, a compassion for others and such a brave, openness and honesty. She puts her self out there exposed for the world to see in order to help others. I have seen the impact she has a made in a room full of women and I couldn’t think of a better person to be a public speaker.”

- Jamielyn Lippman, Director “When the Bough Breaks”, “3 Years in Pakistan: The Erik Audé Story”, Actor’s Life and owner of Point Of View Pictures www.pointofviewpictures.com

Working with Tanya was a breath of fresh air. Breathing in her genuineness, opened up my airways, which opened up the space to be the best version of me. She gave me such great ideas, all the while staying present and loving. I felt her 100% attention, I felt heard, and loved. I believe we are both spiritual, she is a reflection of me, which helped cement my beliefs, applying them to my business. She really is wonderful! I highly recommend her if you are looking for a loving, smart, approach to making your business excel.

- Dana Daurey

Tanya started out as my employer and quickly turned into a close friend and mentor. She has helped guide me through some of my toughest times over the last decade. She offers advice in a way that opens up a different perspective. She has spoken truth into my life many times and she does so in such a gentle and loving manner that really helps the words sink in and manifest new thoughts and feelings. I would not be the mother or woman I am today if it weren’t for the guidance I have been so blessed to receive over the crucial years of navigating becoming a mother, breaks ups and moves and death and immense loss. She has helped me to hold my head high even during the darkest times and I am forever grateful to her.

- Hannah Marckley

Tanya is an inspirational person, coach, and friend. She is also an incredibly moving speaker and coach that leaves her audience/clients moved to change and build upon their lives. She inspires others to grow, trust their instinct, and improve themselves personally which in turn adds value to their business, families and beyond.

- Tiffany Smiley, Founder More Than Me

I’ve had the distinct pleasure of getting to know Tanya on a  personal and professional level for several years.  When I was pregnant with my son, right before I went out on maternity leave,  Tanya took me aside to have a conversation.  

Tanya  let me to know that she was there for me, and that if I needed anything,  just to reach out.  I ended up with Post Partum Depression, and one day while crying inside a restroom, I reached out and called Tanya.   The fact that she knew exactly what I was going through helped tremendously.   I just needed someone to talk to and have her listen. 

I’ve gained a lot of wisdom and learned from Tanya over the years.  Meditation, connecting with loved ones, and LOVING YOURSELF.   Tanya is always about helping others and is one of the nicest, compassionate, authentic people I’ve ever had the opportunity to work and be friends with.

- Steffanie Rushin

A friend introduced me to Tanya and I couldn't be more grateful. It is not often that I meet someone that is as "real" as Tanya. There was never a moment while working with her that didn't feel cared for and appreciated. Listening is an art form that few possess the skill or patience to employ and in my first conversation with Tanya, I felt the importance that she gave to every word or thought I uttered and that never wavered. There is nothing like the feeling that someone truly wants you to achieve the best version of yourself and Tanya expressed that in a way that is non-judgmental while also challenging in a positive way. In my work as a leadership speaker and past experience of playing in the NBA for Hall of Fame coaches as well as coaches that weren't ready for prime time...I have no doubt that Tanya is on her way towards the Hall of Fame.

- Stephen Howard